Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Public class changes!

Exciting news!
The public class has moved from Friday evening to Sunday 4pm!
For anyone not used your free class entitlement yet after completing the CKT worksop, it must be used in JANUARY.

45min - 1 hour quick flowing workout incoporating mobility, bodyweight and kettlebell drills! Satistying Strength!

"Feel energised kickstarting your new week - see you Sunday!"

Monday, 12 January 2009

FREE Introduction Kettlebells Class!!!!

I will run a free introduction kettlebells class on Wednesday 28th January at 8.30pm. (1 hour class)
This class is ideal for new or curious kettlebell lifters!
We`ll have a informative and condensed workout, giving you a nice insight and to kettlebell training and it`s right before the next CKT workshop on Sunday 1st February!

Please email you intent to come along to Places are limited so reserve your place as quick as you can say "I wanna know how to swing iron!"

Next Aberdeen Kettlebell CKT Workshop!

"Tell me more, Tell me more!"

What? : Compulsory Kettlebell Training
When? : Sunday 1st February 2009, 1-4pm
Who? : You! If you want to D&D (discover & drill) kettlebell training essentials
Where? : XTS @ Transition Extreme, Aberdeen
Why? :

  • You want to improve your performance in your chosen sports and activites!
  • Because kettlebell training is exciting & very satisfying!

Be amongst the first in Aberdeen to train with the exciting kettlebells! This 3 hour workshop is dedicated to discovering and drilling the fundamental kettlebell exercises correctly and safely. Once completed this CKT, you can attend the Kettlebell Aberdeen classes that are held at XTS (Cross Training Studio) or create individual goal-driven workouts.

The session starts with Mobility basics - development of your mobility is key to kettlebell training! Then we show you how to shift your weight about in Bodyweight arrangements - more than just push ups and sit ups, guaranteed!
Our kettlebell training focuses on posture, movement & breathing while safely and correctly swinging, lifting, pulling and pushing the horned cannonballs.

Take charge of your training and exercise goals and work the kettlebells to give you satisfying strength, "fuel in the tank" and recognisable well being.

Kettlebell training is supplementary to the sports and activities you already do and will enhance your performance

Places are limited to 18: email and confirm your attendance today!
Investment: £40 (£30 Transition Extreme members)
Return: Ability to perform confident KB training to burn fat whilst building a lean body, increase muscle endurance and tendon strength, work core and back stability, increase stamina, increase cardio endurance, develop improved balance, develop improved co-ordination, develop improved mobility AND create a positive individual state of wellness (phew!)

email and confirm your place! (registration is required)