Sunday, 9 May 2010

May '10

Kettlebell class is on today wth a new workset - come prepared to work!

Sunday 16th May. 3 places remain on the beginners workshop.

Ray will be representing the IKFF, Kettlebells Aberdeen and Kettlebells Scotland at the BodyPower Event in Manchester in a few weeks. Combat Kettlebells will be demonstrated over the weekend! Exciting!

Ellon workshop yesterday was a great bunch to work with, smiles at the end of the day!

"Way of the Kettlebell" lands in Aberdeen 13th June. 5 hours of top-notch tuition from Rannoch and Ray. Qi Gong, mobility, bodyweight and kettlebells. Suitable for all levels - enhance your exisitng understanding and ability as well as learning new drills!
All info on the NEWS page of Please email to confirm your place! (limited to 30!)

1 comment:

Jon Cameron said...

It's May 9 today Ray!