Monday, 23 February 2009

Aberdeen KB class updates

AMAG's Friday Combat Kettlebell Class is going strong, with some keen new starts committing from when they did the workshop a few weeks back.

Last Friday seen a change in mobility drill which we will develop over the next 3 weeks. I`ll post it on here in the next few days. Last Friday also seen a new workout method, again we I will stick with this formula for the next 3 weeks... all I`ll say is Swings, pads and 10 MINS!! haha! Simple but gruelling!

Sundays public class is always going ahead! Some AMAG members come back for more training to finish off their weekend which is great. We get plenty of reps in of the core KB exercises by using a "Stacking" meathod after we focus and have some fun with essential mobilty drills. Still working up a sweat without even looking at a KB! lol

Next workshop date to be announced very soon, if interested, get in touch and get on the list!

News to follow soon on a Kettlebell lifting club here in Aberdeen, with gatherings available with the Kettlebells Scotland mob. First of it`s kind in Scotland, lets make it happen!

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