Saturday 28 March 2009

Class Updates:
*AMAG on Fridays*
New mobility drill, new technique and new workout set!
See the clip below for my latest mobility drill in the fundamental state. The next few weeks will see dynamic and athletic progression as always

I am introducing the kettlebell Jerk also. I`ll train this as a technique and get the mechanics perfect before including the Jerk into our weapons of choice. Fundamentals are important as that's what we resort back to when we get out of our comfort zone.

Lastly, the new workout set for the next 4 weeks:
Teams of 3 people, different exercise per person. All 3 exercises performed in a set, before a 1 min break. The set is repeated 3 times.
2 workouts - 1 with a focus on upper body and the other with a focus on lower body. Both workouts last 19Min's.
Timings for the set? 90secs work, 10 sec change over break. Repeat for remaining 2 exercises. 1 min active recovery. Same 3 exercises repeated, but for 60 secs, with the 10sec changeover break. 1 min active recovery. Same exercise repeated, but for 30 secs, with 10 sec change over break. 19Min's. Upper body done!
Same workout set repeated for the focus on the lower body. 19 Min's. Lower body. Really done!

A good sweat-fest and plenty of room for progressions in each exercises!

*Public on Sundays*
The new mobility drill remains and a different workout set is done. Plenty of reps of repeated KB & body weight exercises with a good cardio content. It goes like this:
Typical set: 20secs KB drill, 10 secs active recovery, 20 secs body weight drill, 10 secs A.R. The set is repeated 4 times (4min workout)
5 different sets with no breaks other than the 10 secs A.R. between KB & body weight drill
Total playtime = 20Min's! Because the work sets are only 20secs, the mentality is GO GO GO! WORK WORK WORK! Hence the nice cardio blast for a Sunday!

Of course we also cover a core exercise and drill it for a set time also, recently its been the TGU.
1 hour functional, beneficial and fun playtime for a Sunday!

If you`ve done a workshop with me, you are welcome to this class! It`ll be great to see you there! (4pm)

1 comment:

The Walking Dead Collector said...

So when is the next workshop then? Fairly keen to get into this! :)