Tuesday, 7 April 2009


Please note the kettlebell classes are cancelled this Easter weekend.
Friday 10th & Sunday 12th April - Cancelled

Enjoy your weekend!

For those of you with kettlebells at home - no excuses to miss out!
Here's what I suggest in place of class...
1. 10mins top to toe mobililty
2. 5x Turkish Get Ups, alternating sides. (5x left, 5x right)
3. 20 swings, 20 hindu sqauts, 20 strict push ups x5 sets (swings can be single or double handed)
4. Optional: Timed set. Clean and Press 3-5 mins per arm.
5. 5-10mins cool down as per class

1 comment:

Qis said...

thanks for canceling the kettle bells on Friday. i would've felt terrible if I'd missed it.
See you on Friday!