Thursday, 31 May 2012

KBA HQ is heading towards a mega exciting time!
Firstly, I have to recognise how everyone is doing so well in the KBA classes just now. We have some b*tching workouts going on right now, and everyone is nailing them, at their own level. The time I have spent working in techniques over a period of weeks are really paying off. As a group, we have a really good ability about us - keep it up, its so rewarding!
The fresh class at ASV is becoming equally as grounded as GSC. A steady and regular group and already we have experienced a number of different kettlebell workouts - 1 to get in the kettlebell groove, and 2 to show fairly quickly there is just so much we can do in a class! Interesting developments coming up there too!

I am so excited about The Aberdeen Kettlebell Club session. Here I see keen kettlebellers take their training and understanding to another level. Still very new, out focus has been towards the recent and upcoming competitions.
Lets check the history:
Oct '11 - One person at Welsh Open.
Feb '12 - Two people at English Open.
April '12 - Six people at Glasgow Long Cycle
Upcoming Biathlon in June - 11 of us!!

This weekend it all kicks off with 2 full beginners workshops. It's always encouraging delivering workshops to complete beginners!
From there, Alan and I head to Dublin to train with Steve Cotter. Very excited!
Then there is the Level 1 CKT is Glasgow. 6 of us are travelling from Kettlebells Aberdeen! Mike, Claire, Davie and Willie will meet and train with Steve for the first time, which is, like, just so, mega exciting!
Equally as exciting is that I will host Steve for a Master Class in Inverurie. I am delighted that so many of my group will meet and train with Steve. It's sure to be a great evening.


albina N muro said...

KBA HQ is heading towards a mega exciting time!
Firstly, I have to recognise how everyone is doing so well in the KBA classes just now. We have some b*tching workouts going on right now, and everyone is nailing them, at their own level. kettlebell training courses

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