Wednesday 5 August 2009

Kettlebell training at EXEL CLUB, Dyce

I will be at the Exel Club in Dyce at the following times:

Wednesday 12th Aug, 7.00pm. Info in reception.
8.00pm FREE TASTER CLASS. (12 people booked)
Thursday 13 Aug, 6.30. Info in reception.

7.30pm FREE TASTER CLASS (4 people booked)

The time and date for workshops and classes is to be confirmed, but will be during the week beginning 17th Aug.

Please note, the taster classes are capped at 15 people and you will need to be signed up for it. Email me or give me your name at the Exel club when I am there

45mins - 1 hour class giving a taster of the class sturcture. Kettlebell lifts are limited to 2 exercises.

Dynamic warmup and essential mobilty.
Bodyweight basics.
Stretch and recovery.

Please note that the taster classes are open to everyone (not just Exel members) and open to all levels of fitness. Also, this is an example class and we will workout from start to finish, with time for questions and information after the class.

You require:
Suitable clothing to exercise in,
It`s ideal to train bare foot, but any footwear must be a solid flat sole,
A fresh and open mind to try something new and fun!
You are required to be fit and well to exercise. It`s a free taster class!

Come back regularly and check for updates!


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