Monday, 26 September 2011

Monday 26th Sept.
Snatch Training:
A. 24kg Snatch, 10 mins. 48reps L/H (+1), 42 reps R/H (-4).
B. Snatch Drop Sets. (All L/H, then all R/H) 32kg x15reps, 28kg x20 reps / 24kg x25 reps / 20kg x30 reps.
C. Dead Hang. Missed
D. Single hand Swing. Missed.

Review: Warmed up with snatching 16kg for 2 mins. This helped get into the flow quicker. I started with a quicker pace, getting more reps per minute in the first 3 mins. Min's.3-4 slowed down due to forearm fatigue and min 5-5 was horrendous on the grip. Switching to the right hand did was  arelief, but I did not find the same pace as in min's 1-3. All minutes were had less reps and the last 90 secs was hell from the grip. Once it's locked round the handle, there seems to be no slackening it. Quite a battle! No hope in achieving a sprint at the end of each hand! After a good rest I was happy to bang out higher numbers in the drop set. I missed the grip training sets (C&D) - too tired and already switched off.
Next Goal: Achieve quicker pace when switching hands. Change the angle of the arm in the drop earlier to prevent fatigue. Achieve 20 secs sprint at end of each arm.  Higher reps with heavier weight in Drop Sets. Achieve sets C&D!

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